Sustainable Vertical Farming Powered by Solar

Discover how solar power significantly reduces your reliance on the grid, leading to substantial cost savings.
Go solar with
$0 down
Eligible clients have the opportunity to acquire a
Sunchoice solar system without any upfront costs.

Experience the difference of partnering with a company that prioritizes maximizing your financial gain through grants before installation even begins

Why Solar

Slash energy bills, maximize grants, and supercharge your farm's future

Slash Electricity Bills
Vertical farming thrives on precise lighting and climate control. But that energy comes at a cost.  Solar panels offer a solution! Generate clean, renewable electricity  to dramatically reduce your reliance on the grid


Average savings

Harnesses the sun's power
to fuel your farm's success, freeing up cash flow for critical investments and sustainable growth.

Vertical farming is already a step towards a greener future.  By adopting solar power, you eliminate your reliance on fossil fuels and dramatically reduce your carbon footprint.

What makes us different?

More Than Panels, We're Partners in Truth

Let's face it, solar is an investment. You deserve open communication every step of the way. At Sunchoice we provide a clear quote with no hidden fees, explains project timelines and potential challenges, and answers your questions with patience and honesty.
solar farm poultry poultry reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap rreap grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant farm farm farm farm ssolar solar solar solar solar solar free free free free free free free free top top top top top top top top best best best best best best best best best best savings savings savings savings savings savings reap reap reap reap quote  quote quote quote quote quote free free free best best best south Alabama
Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Get a crystal-clear understanding of solar with Sunchoice's no-nonsense pricing and expert guidance.
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Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
We believe in plain language, detailed proposals, and realistic expectations. Sunchoice's empowers you with knowledge, not confusion.
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Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Sunchoice uses top-tier equipment, certified installers, and ongoing system monitoring. We stand behind our work, because honesty is our policy.

Unleashing the sun's full potential, with precision

Our expertise extends beyond installation. Sunchoice monitors, optimizes, and fine-tunes your system for peak performance and long-term financial rewards.
solar farm poultry poultry reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap rreap grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant farm farm farm farm ssolar solar solar solar solar solar free free free free free free free free top top top top top top top top best best best best best best best best best best savings savings savings savings savings savings reap reap reap reap quote  quote quote quote quote quote free free free best best best south Alabama
Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Our team of certified installers, design engineers, and energy specialists bring unmatched knowledge and experience to every project.
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Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Our expertise extends beyond installation. Sunchoice monitors your system, optimizes performance, and ensures you reap the maximum financial benefit.
solar farm poultry poultry reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap rreap grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant farm farm farm farm ssolar solar solar solar solar solar free free free free free free free free top top top top top top top top best best best best best best best best best best savings savings savings savings savings savings reap reap reap reap quote  quote quote quote quote quote free free free best best best south Alabama
Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
We source the most efficient, durable equipment available, ensuring your Sunchoice system delivers sun-powered savings for years to come.

Sunshine for everyone. Join the Sunchoice family, where your needs come first, always.

Our team isn't just solar experts, they're neighbors, friends, and community members. We're invested in your success, because your bright future fuels ours.
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Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
No cookie-cutter solutions here. Sunchoice listens to your story, understands your needs, and designs a solar system that empowers your life.
solar farm poultry poultry reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap rreap grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant farm farm farm farm ssolar solar solar solar solar solar free free free free free free free free top top top top top top top top best best best best best best best best best best savings savings savings savings savings savings reap reap reap reap quote  quote quote quote quote quote free free free best best best south Alabama
Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Investing in local initiatives, promoting education, and supporting sustainable community development.
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Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Connecting customers with each other and sharing insights for mutual benefit.

Shine Brighter, Share Smarter, Build Stronger Together

Sunchoice illuminates a future where sunbeams power your business, empower your community, and light the way to financial freedom. We believe solar energy is more than just watts and panels; it's a revolutionary spark that ignites environmental progress, strengthens connections, and fuels your wallet.
solar farm poultry poultry reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap rreap grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant farm farm farm farm ssolar solar solar solar solar solar free free free free free free free free top top top top top top top top best best best best best best best best best best savings savings savings savings savings savings reap reap reap reap quote  quote quote quote quote quote free free free best best best south Alabama
Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
At Sunchoice, we believe everyone deserves the power of renewable energy. That's why we offer special discounts to the people who dedicate their lives to nourishing our communities and defending our nation: farmers and veterans.
solar farm poultry poultry reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap rreap grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant farm farm farm farm ssolar solar solar solar solar solar free free free free free free free free top top top top top top top top best best best best best best best best best best savings savings savings savings savings savings reap reap reap reap quote  quote quote quote quote quote free free free best best best south Alabama
Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Our team doesn't just install solar systems, they build connections. Sunchoice hosts community events, supports local clean energy initiatives, and fosters a collaborative spirit.
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Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
You won't just light up your business, you'll spark a ripple effect of change. Every rooftop powered by Sunchoice inspires others to join the movement, building a greener, more resilient world for everyone.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Your Solar Journey


We begin by understanding your unique needs and energy consumption. Through an on-site or virtual assessment, we analyze your rooftop, energy bills, and local regulations to recommend the optimal system size and configuration. No cookie-cutter solutions here!

Project Launch

Once you're happy with the proposed system, we'll provide a detailed contract outlining the project scope, equipment specifications, costs, and timelines. We believe in full transparency, so you have complete control over your investment.

Engineering Design

Our team of certified engineers will create a custom design for your solar system, taking into account your roof structure, shading patterns, and local building codes. This detailed blueprint ensures efficient sun capture and optimal performance.
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Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Permitting & Interconnection Approval

We handle all the paperwork so you can focus on the sunshine. Our experts navigate the permitting process and secure interconnection approval from your utility company, ensuring smooth integration with the grid.
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Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Construction Logistics

We source high-quality, reliable solar panels, inverters, and other equipment from trusted manufacturers. This ensures your system's longevity and maximizes your energy production.
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Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Flip the switch on sustainable energy.

The moment arrives – we activate your system and witness the sun's energy come alive! Our skilled team performs thorough testing and commissioning to ensure peak performance and reliability. Now, get ready to watch your energy bills shrink and your savings soar.
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Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Long-Term O&M and Monitoring

Your peace of mind doesn't end at installation. We offer comprehensive operation and maintenance (O&M) plans to keep your system running smoothly. And with real-time monitoring, you can track your energy production and savings anytime, anywhere.
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Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Celebrating Your Solar Success

We believe in celebrating big milestones! That's why we host a special "Sun Day" with you, where we provide personalized tips on monitoring your system, answer any questions, and ensure you feel confident and empowered in your new solar life.

solar farm poultry poultry reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap rreap grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant farm farm farm farm ssolar solar solar solar solar solar free free free free free free free free top top top top top top top top best best best best best best best best best best savings savings savings savings savings savings reap reap reap reap quote  quote quote quote quote quote free free free best best best south Alabama
Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Now more affordable than ever!

Get a Quote